4 Things To Do When You Want Help For Your ADD

Attention deficit disorder is commonly diagnosed in childhood, but some people don't receive a diagnosis until they're older. If you have trouble concentrating on tasks, especially if you often procrastinate despite a desire to stop, you may have ADD. Seeing a counselor is the first step of any treatment plan. Here are four things you can do if you would like to solve your attention deficit issues:

1. Receive a formal diagnosis.

You can self-diagnose using lists of symptoms found on the internet. However, there is no replacement for an official diagnosis given by a mental health care professional. You'll need to see a psychotherapist or licensed counselor in order to find out if you have ADD. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Other counselors will simply ask you a series of questions or have a diagnostic conversation with you. People with ADD often have trouble paying attention when others speak, forget details, or suffer from time management issues.

2. Receive a referral to a psychiatrist.

Counselors are well-equipped to provide talk therapy, which is an integral part of ADD help. However, medication is another important aspect of ADD treatment. People with ADD can benefit from stimulants such as Adderall. These drugs improve focus, which can improve your performance in school or at work. Counselors can't provide prescriptions for drugs, but they can refer you to a psychiatrist who can get you on the correct medications.

3. Continue to attend talk therapy.

Once you start medication, you should find that your focus issues diminish. However, you should continue to attend counseling sessions. During these sessions, your therapist can help you deal with the emotional side effects that can arise from ADD. People with ADD sometimes go their whole lives believing that they're stupid or lazy. Undoing these harmful myths can help you achieve a greater sense of peace and wellness. Your therapist can provide facts and information about ADD which will allow you to better manage your expectations.

4. Learn valuable cognitive tools.

You can retrain your brain to achieve greater productivity, even with ADD. A counselor who has experience treating ADD can help you develop routines to counteract the symptoms of your disorder. Setting timers can help you get work done, even if your mind tends to wander. Some people with ADD experience times of hyperfocus. Your counselor can teach you to utilize hyperfocus to your benefit rather than your detriment.
